Chipped Tooth Repair in Jackson MS

Seamless Smile Restoration – Chipped Tooth Repair

A chipped tooth can lower down self-esteem. You may no longer have the confidence to smile and converse with others. A chipped tooth can also cause pain depending on the damage to the tooth’s surface. In cases like this, you should immediately seek help from professionals to salvage the broken tooth.

Chipped Tooth Repair in Jackson MS

What Causes Broken and Worn-down Teeth?

A chipped tooth is usually caused by an injury or accident. It can happen to anyone: a kid riding a bicycle, a teenager playing basketball, or an adult biting down on a piece of hard candy.

There are some instances wherein people suffer from teeth that break repeatedly or teeth with worn-down surfaces, despite adequate treatment from a dentist. Major causes of this problem may be malocclusion, TMJ disorder, or teeth grinding.

Abrupt changes in temperature in the mouth, such as eating something extremely hot and then trying to cool your mouth with ice or cold water, can also cause your tooth to chip or break.

It is imperative that you immediately seek treatment if you ever experience a chipped tooth. If left untreated, that chip or crack may worsen, develop an infection, and ultimately lead your dentist to either do a root canal treatment or even extraction or removal of the tooth. If you need emergency dentistry services, please contact us.

Treatment For Worn and Broken Teeth

A broken or chipped tooth is perhaps one of the most common dental injuries and, fortunately, one of the least complicated cases to treat. There are several ways that a chipped tooth can be treated, depending on how large the chip is.

The first step is a comprehensive evaluation. It is crucial that your dentist starts by identifying the underlying cause of the problem. Your treatment may include one or several procedures to establish a healthy, stable bite, and repair cosmetic problems to ensure long-lasting results.

Small to moderate chips can be treated by a procedure called bonding. Bonding uses tooth-colored materials called composite resins to replace missing tooth structure.

Composite resins contain a mixture of plastic and glass, which account for their strength and translucency. They can be successfully bonded to most healthy teeth, and they come in a variety of tooth shades for truly natural-looking results.

Though bonding is not as long-lasting as some other restorations, it does present distinct advantages. It does not require the involvement of a dental laboratory, can most often be done with very minimal drilling of the tooth, and usually requires just one visit. It is an excellent option for teens who do not yet have all of their permanent teeth, needing to wait before choosing a more permanent dental treatment.

For more extensive damage, your dentist may opt to take x-rays of the tooth to see beyond the clinical presentation. X-rays may also reveal the presence of an infection which should be treated appropriately, as well.

Ceramic restorations such as dental crowns and porcelain veneers are a more traditional approach to treating broken or worn-down teeth. Crowns and veneers are fabricated in a dental laboratory and usually requires two visits to your dentist, at the very least. After restoration, learn about preventive dentistry.

Crooked, or misaligned teeth, may be one cause for premature tooth wear or broken teeth. Straightening teeth without traditional metal braces is now possible with the introduction of Invisalign®. It is a brand of a transparent, plastic form of dental braces used to align teeth. Call our office today for chipped tooth repair in Jackson MS and we will help you bring back that sweet perfect smile!

FAQs About Chipped Tooth Repair

What do I do when I chip a tooth?

  • You need to consult with a dentist.

Will porcelain veneers repair my broken tooth?

  • In some cases, porcelain veneers may repair my broken tooth.

Do I need a dental crown if I break a tooth?

  • Depending on the situation, yes, you may need a dental crown if you break a tooth.

What can I expect at the dentist during a chipped teeth repair service?

  • You can expect to get it fixed whether it be composite bonding, crowns, veneers, etc.

What makes a tooth break?

  • Patient habits, tooth decay and a lot of other reasons may cause a tooth to break.

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MS 39211
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